Welcome Traveller
What is this place?
If you were curious enough to stumble across this domain and have not yet read this, then you'll probably want to know where you are and of the otherworldly joys you can discover here. Very well...
Along with getting more experience with web development, I created this site as a means of developing & hosting some of the myriad ideas which I'd like to visual and play around with.
I'd like for this site to be somewhat of an enjoyable and entertaining experience for those who visit.
Thus, I'll try to keep all of these projects fairly visual & interactive; as opposed to anything too dull which would bring only boredom, misery and inevitable death.
However, I will be providing links to downloads/ external sources for any projects which require an executable to be ran.
Anyway, thank you for stopping by here today. Enjoy your stay and do check back whenever you like, as I am actively improving and adding new content.
Note: Since this is a relatively new website, issues with responsiveness & bugs are to be expected. My main focus as of now is to deliver some more projects to the corresponding page which can be found here